My story

I’m a copywriter, editor, proofreader, Spanish to English and French to English translator.

Through copywriting and translation I help businesses expand their digital marketing and increase their online presence using the power of words.

My skills are equally balanced, one day I could be copywriting a website or editing an article, the next translating a technical manual or contract.

I’ve been based in Spain for over 20 years and work remotely.

All my clients receive my 100% commitment and dedication to the on-time and accurate delivery of work.

I’m qualified in both Spanish and French and love words and language.

Before I came to live in Spain I was a marketing manager in the UK and I have also worked in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Several years ago I decided to become self-employed, move abroad and work with languages every day – I’ve never looked back.

Every week is different and I never know what I’ll be working on next, which is what drives me.

My friends think I’m crazy to love sitting in my office every day looking at a screen, but I look out of the window and see blue skies and mountains – fantastic inspiration for life as a freelancer!

“Let my words sell your business.”